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 We're so glad you're joining us at Aylesford School Warwick

Key dates ecard transition 2024


Please ensure you have familiarised yourself with the information in our Parent and Carers' Handbook below.  There will be an opportunity to ask any questions you may have at the Welcome Evening on Wednesday 10th July.

Secondary Phase Parent and Carers' Handbook

Year 7 Welcome Letter

Aylesford Logo

Welcome to Aylesford School Warwick 

I am excited that you have chosen Aylesford School to begin your secondary school journey.  My name is Mrs Brown and I am going to be your Head of Year.  

The Year 7 motto is ‘’Work hard and be kind’ - this is something we, as a year group, remind ourselves of often. I would like to think as a year group we look out for one another and always try to do our best. The motto is also intrinsically linked to Aylesford’s core values of ambition, resilience and kindness. I am committed to ensuring your first important year at secondary school goes as smoothly as possible. We aim to support you in learning the necessary skills to equip you to become an independent and confident learner, which will stand you in good stead for the years to come. It is also important that you enjoy Year 7, make new friends and have fun.  

One of my favourite things to do as a Head of Year is to get to know all about you; I love a good chat! A few things about me you might like to know; I enjoy walking my dog George, I love being active and listening to music and thanks to my youngest son I have a huge interest in basketball! I look forward to visiting you in your primary school in the summer term to tell you about Aylesford School as well as finding out more about you. 

Parents/Carers will receive further information and forms to complete online (via our Admissions+ system) in the next half-term.  

To review any policies or any school information, please do take the time to look at the school website:  

  I look forward to a long and happy association between your family and the school. 

Kind regards 


Mrs Lisa Brown

Head of Year 7 from September 2024

Induction Day and Welcome Evening Information

Induction Day and New Parents’ and Carers’ Welcome Evening

We are very pleased that your child will be joining us at Aylesford School Warwick in September 2024. To ensure your child’s transfer to us is a smooth and successful experience, we have arranged a very special day of induction that will take place on Wednesday 10th July 2024. The Induction Day for students and the Welcome Evening for new parents and carers, will help you and your child discover more about Aylesford School and what is involved in starting here this September.

During both the Induction Day and Welcome Evening, there will be an opportunity to view the Aylesford School uniform. This is available to purchase directly from the suppliers, Stitch-Tech.

Address: 7C, Sydenham Industrial Estate
Jenton Road
Leamington Spa
CV31 1XS
Phone: 01926 883366


1. Getting to and from Aylesford

We would like all students to arrive between 9.00 a.m. and 9.15 a.m. at the main car park area opposite the school reception. The Induction Day will finish at 2.45 p.m. and parents should collect their child from the same location. Parents will need to arrange transport for their child both to and from Aylesford School. We expect all students to dress in their primary school uniform.

2. Activities and lessons
The day will involve a range of exciting new learning experiences for your child. We are confident that this Induction Day will really whet your child’s appetite for the numerous learning experiences that they will enjoy during their years with us.

3. Lunches
Children will be given a cookie and drink at break time, free of charge. A lunchtime meal and drink, also free of charge, will be available. Alternatively, your child may bring their own packed lunch if they prefer.


Aylesford School recognises the importance of partnership with parents/carers and hope that all parents/carers and students will be able to join us at 7pm on Wednesday 10th July 2024 at our New Parents’ and Carers’ Welcome Evening. There will be two alternate slots for the welcome talk and tutor meeting which will be allocated on the night. The talk will be held in our Primary School hall. During the evening, the children will spend time with their tutors evaluating the first day’s activities and will be introduced to some more important routines of school life at Aylesford.

Meanwhile, parents will have a welcome and introduction to the school from Mr Hodgson, the Headteacher. During the evening, we will outline the importance of our home school partnership and the vital role you play in supporting your child through the transition from primary to secondary school and the importance of this partnership to your child’s education throughout their time at Aylesford. The evening will also include an exciting announcement.

Following these talks, parents will join their children and have an opportunity to meet with their tutor. Finally, there will be an opportunity to meet informally with the Senior Leadership Team and myself.

We all look forward to meeting you at this evening.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Lisa Brown

Head of Year 7 from September 2024

Aylesford's Worry Busters

As we enter the run up to the summer holidays, those in year 6 will naturally be thinking about their transition to secondary school. This can be a nerve wracking time so we will be posting some ‘worry busters’ over the next few weeks to help put minds at ease.

Worry Buster 2Worry Buster 1

 Worry Buster 3

Worry Buster 4 (1)

Worry Buster 5 (1)